Dregoth (Hand rub retro washed)-SK85-ODG with Desert Tan
Mt. Man (vintage washed)-SK85-Brown Burlap canvas micarta
Mt. Man (Dark Evil washed)-SK85-Brown Burlap canvas micarta
Atayal XL-(SK85) Dark Washed finish-BLK +Red Gator Grip-(Non-
Atayal XL-(SK85) Retro Washed finish-Jungle Camo Gator Grip-(Non-
Atayal XL-(SK85) Dark Washed finish-Jungle Camo Gator Grip-(Non-
Atayal XL-(SK85)-Retro Washed finish-BLK with Red liner Gator Grip-(Non-Choil)
Atayal XL-(SK85)-Retro Washed finish-BLK with Red liner Gator Grip
Atayal XL-(SK85)-Kurouchi Washed finish-ODG with Orange liner Gator Grip -N
Atayal XL-(SK85)-Retro Washed finish-ODG with Orange liner Gator Grip -No
Atayal XL-(SK85)-Dark Washed finish-ODG with Orange liner Gator Grip -Non choil
Atayal XL-(SK85)-Satin finish-Black with Red liner Gator Grip
Pathfinder-Hand Rub Retro Washed ( Forest camo swamp grip)-SK85-Neon Green Liner
Pathfinder-Hand Rub Retro Washed ( Forest camo swamp grip)-SK85-Red Liner
Pathfinder-Satin ( Forest camo swamp grip)-SK85-Red Liner
Pathfinder-Satin ( Forest camo swamp grip)-SK85-Neon Green Liner
Pathfinder-Dark Washed ( Forest camo gator grip)-SK85
Pathfinder-Hand Rub Retro Washed ( Forest camo gator grip)-SK85
Pathfinder-Hand Rub Retro Washed ( ODG +Orange liner Gator grip)-SK85
Hondo-Apocalypse finish-(ODG+ Orange liner Gator Grip)-SK85
Hondo-Retro Washed ( ODG +Orange liner Gator Grip)-SK85
Hondo-Retro Washed ( Forest Camo Gator Grip)-SK85
Hondo-Retro Washed ( BLK+ Neon Green Gator Grip)-SK85
PWB-7 Gen 1-Retro Washed ( BLK G10)-SK85
PWB-7 Gen 1-Dark Washed ( BLK G10)-SK85
PWB-7 Gen 2- Two-Tone Tumble finish ( Forest camo G10)-SK85